30 Apr
Hello everyone,We have an important update to share with you all. Shoppe Keep 2 will now launch on 3rd May 2018.We’ve encountered an issue with multiplayer that needs to be fixed before release. While we have been extensively testing Shoppe Keep 2 for months, both internally and externally, this managed to slip through the cracks. We are very sorry that this has happened. As a developer, you get one shot to launch your game. There is an unprecedented amount of...
20 Oct
With the recent announcement of Shoppe Keep 2, the developers over at Strangefire haven't calmed down a bit. In fact, they've been working incredibly hard to bring new features to the game, from a semi-open world to online multiplayer. But it's the more minute details that are also interesting to discuss, which is why the developers have begun a detailed dev blog over on IndieDB. The first entry delves into crafting and farming (there's some strong language in the first...